Report breakdown

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  • #1259925
    Kerry Miller

    Hi there, I know Motopress has added fields in Bookings-Reports-Export, however I don’t think there is a total for Accommodations (without taxes). Am I missing it? Since Accommodation Subtotal is shown in the breakdown in other places, I’m not sure why it is not an option in the report? The cost of services is also not a field option? As the exported report is now, there is no way for me to know the cost of the Accommodation within a booking, without manual calculation (“Total” or “Paid” minus Fees and all taxes, and then looking up what the Service price is and minusing that as well). Am I missing something?

    Alex M

    Hi Kerry,

    What columns would you like to add to the report?

    Kerry Miller

    Hi Alex, I would to have columns for Total Accommodation (cost of accommodation only) and Total Services (cost of services). All other costs already have columns, those are the only two costs that aren’t represented in the report.

    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hi Kerry!

    We can definitely see how this feature could be beneficial, but unfortunately, it’s not something that we can offer right now. I’m going to pass along your request to our product development team. However, I can’t give you the exact timeline of when it will be ready.

    Kerry Miller

    Thanks Valerie. That seems so crazy to me, since those two fields (“Accommodation Subtotal” and “Services Subtotal”) already exist in %price_breakdown% (for example). But I appreciate your response and look forward to updates on this.

    Alex M

    Hi Kerry,

    You may find new columns “Accommodation Subtotal” and “Services Subtotal” in the Hotel Booking update version 4.2.4.

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