Receive Cutomer Address Fields in Booking confirmation

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  • #808605

    When I receive the booking confirmation email it does not list the customer address, zip, state even though these fields are required.

    It does list, name, phone, email. I see I can add to the code in the booking confirmation email. How can I get the customer address, city and zip to show up in the booking confirmation?
    Current code: <h4>Customer Info</h4>
    <p>Name: %customer_first_name% %customer_last_name%<br />Email: %customer_email%<br />Phone: %customer_phone%<br />Note: %customer_note%</p>



    Our plugin does not send these data in the emails, but it is on our feature request list. We can notify you when it gets implemented.
    Meanwhile, we could send you the code that will add the new email tags. Please, submit a ticket request for this.


    Hi, we are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. You can enable it again in the settings. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 versions:

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