Problems with theme background color/image

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Emmet Problems with theme background color/image

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    How can I change the whole theme’s backgroung color? Customize > Colors > Background color seems to do absolutely nothing.
    I’m not able to get the background image to appear, either. I can change it and change its settings, but I just can’t get it to show up on the site.

    I’m trying to change the whole theme darker as it fits my personal needs better, but no matter what I try everything stays white.
    Ah also, I am using pages, not posts, in case this information helps in any way.

    Thank you very much in advance,
    Henrie Kähkönen


    Hi Henrie,

    In order to modify background color of entire site you can add the style below to Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS (or style.css if you use Child theme):


    As for front page so you need to edit background of each section individually. You can ask me here you search for similar topics

    Best regards,


    Oh, thank you very much, it worked!

    — Henrie


    Hi Henrie,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Best regards,

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