Price Breakdown in Email

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  • #698714


    Is it possible to include price breakdown details in the confirmation email? Presently it can be viewed only on check-out page.

    Thanks and Regards


    J. Davis

    Hello Manoj,
    There is no email tag to add full price breakdown to the email template. We will review adding this option in the next versions and update this topic once we have any news. Thank you.



    A great news indeed! We really believe it is a must have feature, otherwise the customer does not have any option to see the price breakdown sometimes later. Good luck!

    Thanks and Regards


    Corey Auger

    I would also like this feature, thank you!

    J. Davis

    Hi Corey,

    Thank you for your feedback. We’ll do our best to provide such an option in one of the next update releases. We’ll notify everyone in this forum topic once it is available.

    best regards,

    Marcel Heiniger

    Any information about the planning of this new release?

    This is mandatory information the Hotel has to provide in many countries.

    J. Davis

    Hi Marcel and all the participants,

    This feature is one of the top requests and we think about realizing it in a way of attachment of PDF file that is sent with an email notification. Feel free to share your thoughts on how you wish it to be realized. Thanks

    best regards,
    J. Davis



    your plugin is really great. Unfortunately, there are 2 reasons why we can not use the plugin in real mode, one of them concerns the possibility of sending pdf files.

    (1) We also need many of the information given in the form as a pdf file that is sent directly as an attachment by email.

    (2) We need different (individual) forms, because we require different informations in the form for different rooms / flats.

    (3) It would also be awesome if there was the possibility that the guest would have to confirm the reservation not only with a click on a link, but would get to a page on which the essential details of the booking and price are displayed and has to confirm with his signature (simple jquery signature function).

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Manfredo.
    J. Davis

    Hi Manfred,

    Thanks you for your feedback.

    As for different forms per accommodation so it is possible to hide all default availability forms and place different Contact Forms on the pages of accommodation types in order to get reservation requests via email messages and thus gathering needed information.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Lauren Schwartz

    I would also like the price breakdown in email. In addition, when using woocommerce as checkout it would be great to see the price breakdown in the cart and on the checkout page.

    J. Davis

    Hello Lauren,

    Thank you for your feedback. The price breakdown in emails is one of the most priority requests so we will do our best to add this feature in one of the next updates.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    J. Davis


    We are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 version

    Thank you for collaboration. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further question

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Mary Evans

    Hi, we are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. You can enable it again in the settings. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 versions:

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