Please release the latest Hotel Booking Plugin into the Oceanica theme

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Please release the latest Hotel Booking Plugin into the Oceanica theme

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  • #851172
    Kevin Harwood

    Version 3.6.1 of the hotel booking plugin was released in August of 2019 but the latest version of the Oceanica theme does not contain it. There is no option to update just the plugin. Please provide the newest version of the plugin with the latest version of the theme. Thank you.

    Paulo Almeida

    I just bought Luviana with Hotel Booking plug-in. I found that the plug-in version is 3.5. How can I get the newest version (3.6.0?/3.6.1?) of the plug-in?
    Do I need to change all my configurations done yet?
    Thank you.


    Kevin Harwood

    Wow… two weeks later and we’re still waiting on a release of Oceanica with the newest update of the Hotel Booking Plugin.

    Mary Evans


    Thank you for contacting us. The matter is that it takes some time to check compatibility of theme and Hotel Booking plugin before releasing new version withing a theme. Our developers are working on themes` updates at the moment and do their best to complete checking compatibility as soon as possible.
    To be notified about the theme update, please, activate the license under your dashboard > Appearance > Theme License.
    However, note that if you don`t have time to wait, you can deactivate your booking plugin on the website and install the plugin purchased separately (all the data will remain intact). This way you will get plugin updates independently from the theme package and control them on your own.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Mary Evans.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Mary Evans.
    Kevin Harwood

    It is a month later. Please release the newest version of the plugin into the theme. You cannot realistically tell me that you are still testing compatibility.

    Mary Evans

    Hello Kevin,

    The matter is there appeared some difficulties with the 3.7.0 Hotel Booking version. It took our developers` time to correct the issues and release the 3.7.1 version.
    However, pay attention to the new Booklium theme that has the latest 3.7.1 Hotel Booking version inbuilt.
    Please, keep the theme license activated to be notified about the update with the latest Hotel Booking version.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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