Photo gallery animation

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  • #1462399
    Ivo Pera

    Is there a possibility to set the animation of the photos when scrolling on the photo gallery page in Luviana theme.

    I tried to edit the getwid block in which the photos are located. There is option to select animation effects under advanced tab, but whatever effect I set has no effect on the page.

    J. Davis

    Hi Ivo,

    Thanks for your question. There is no option to enable the hover animation of each image of the Gallery block. Perhaps you have found animation option of the Section block that set an animation for the gallery appearance.
    You may try to add Columns block and put a Banner block to each column as a workaround.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Ivo Pera

    Hello Davis,
    I don’t think you understood me, I don’t need a hover animation of an individual image, but of all images while scrolling to the bottom of the page. So, when scrolling, gallery image thumbnails appear with the selected effect on the page

    J. Davis

    Hi Ivo,

    Thanks for your clarification. Unfortunately, there is no such option yet. The appearance animation is available for the Section block only.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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