Pay on Arrival Confirmation

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    I’ve been testing the Hotel Booking System and customizing the confirmation email templates, and noticed that when a customer selects Pay on Arrival as the payment method during the booking confirmation process, a booking confirmation email is sent to the customer, stating that the reservation is approved.

    Now, here is the thing, the Booking Confirmation mode is set to: Confirmation upon payment, and this is not with WooCommerce gateway. So, if we (administrators) offer the Pay on Arrival option as a payment method, customers will get a booking confirmation email (with approved status) which is actually opposite to what we intend in the Booking Confirmation settings. Also, customers are redirected to a Payment Success page showing a Thank you for your payment message.

    I know that these messages and ‘texts’ can be edited but it could be confusing for customers and a door for future problems if that is not covered in a terms and conditions policy. I hope I’m explaining this correctly 🙂

    Any ideas on how to work around this matter in terms of code logic, email templates?

    I tried setting “Confirmation Mode to By Admin Manually”, problem is, customers will not be able to pay online (via Paypal or credit/debit card) as the checkout option gets disabled, and they are redirected to a Reservation submitted page.

    In my website I’m planning to give customers the option to pay on/off line, but I was dealing with this Pay on Arrival option and could not figure out how to prevent the payment approved status after checkout.

    I’m thinking that it would be great if we could have the same result you have when Confirmation Mode is set to By admin manually, but with the Pay on Arrival method (or other off line method), while keeping the option to pay online as well.

    Will that be possible to setup?


    Hi Ryan,
    1. A booking becomes Confirmed for an accommodation to be unavailable for other guests to book. It is also necessary for ical synchronization so that there is no overbooking.
    2. At the same time, the payment for this booking has the On Hold status, which means that there was no payment, i.e. it is pending.

    We also don’t like the redirect to the Payment Success page. Nevertheless, this is a standard behavior for all payment systems, and “Pay on Arrival” is one of them. We could change the logic and use the Pay on Arrival method to redirect the user to the Booking Confirmed page.

    Otherwise, could you please describe how you see the behavior when confirming the booking with “Pay on Arrival”

    Best regards,
    M. Evans

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Mary Evans.

    Thank you fMary or taking the time to review. It’s actually a question from someone using the plugin on our extended license. Here is their reply.

    Here is their suggestion:


    A confirmed or approved booking is pretty much the same thing for the general public. How do I see the behavior when confirming the booking with “Pay on Arrival”, not quite sure I understand this but you cannot confirm a booking with Pay on Arrival because it’s auto-confirmed. That is if Confirmation Mode is set to: Confirmation upon payment, if other mode is selected, customer won’t have the option to pay online (see attachment).

    He said they could change the logic and use the Pay on Arrival method to redirect the user to the Booking Confirmed page, and I actually setup the Payment Success Page to be that page, and this works partially because on this Booking Confirmation page you could add a message stating that a booking is approved until full payment is received (or whatever policy the website admin use), but regardless of the page customers are redirected to, they will received a Booking Confirmed email (which is used to confirm online payments).

    I think the solution to this problem is to create an independent confirmation email template for this payment method specifically, while keeping the Confirmation Mode set to: Confirmation upon payment.

    Anyhow, please let me know if they come up with something! I will try to find a workaround, maybe WooCommerce (not fan of it) can help.

    Thanks Mary. I appreciate your assistance looking into it.


    Hi Ryan,
    Thank you for the reply.

    Note that since the Hotel Booking latest update (version 3.6.1) there is added the “Payment Instructions” field for each payment gateway including Pay on arrival. Additionally, it can be sent in an email notification to your guest.
    We are also planning to display this field on the booking confirmation page.
    For example, you can specify the message like this: “message stating that a booking is approved until full payment is received”.
    We can also recommend you the Hotel Booking Payment Request plugin to control the reservation status until payment is completed.

    Best regards,
    M. Evans


    Thank you Mary! We’ve updated to 3.6.1 just last week. Awesome. 🙂


    Hello Ryan,

    Thank you for the reply. We are glad the issue is solved.
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions in the future.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    Sorry I tried to find in forum and documentation, but not found

    “Note that since the Hotel Booking latest update (version 3.6.1) there is added the “Payment Instructions” field for each payment gateway including Pay on arrival. Additionally, it can be sent in an email notification to your guest.”

    How I can do that ? a %….% ?

    “We are also planning to display this field on the booking confirmation page.”

    did you display it on confirmation page ?


    HI Christelle, what them are you using?


    Hello Christelle,

    In case your plugin version is 3.6.1 or greater, you can add your instructions for the “Pay on arrival” payment gateway in Accommodation > Settings > Payment Gateways > Pay on arrival ( and see them on the page after making a reservation (
    Could you specify what version of Hotel Booking you have?

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    Hi Mary

    I am not clear, it’s ok for my version and the payment instructions field, I show it on booking page. my question concerns :

    “Additionally, it can be sent in an email notification to your guest.”

    how i can also send these instructions into the email to customer

    by using these type of field ? %reserved_rooms_details% %adults%…. ?

    if yes, what is the field to do that?

    best regards


    Hello Christelle,

    It is possible to add “Pay on arrival” payment gateway instructions to the Approved Booking Email email template, with the %payment_instructions% tag.
    It is also possible to send custom automatic pre-arrival emails (any custom period before/after check-in/out) with the Notifier addon.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    hello, I tried to use this function, it works fine but I can not find the translation strings for the instruction…..I used WPML and scanned the plugin for all strings….Any tips?


    Hello Maurice,

    The Pay on arrival instructions are added under Accommodation ->Settings ->Payment Gateways ->Pay on Arrival tab: In order to change the text for other languages simply switch to another language via language switcher in the top admin bar – you will be able to add unique text for other languages in the same section.



    hi Andre,

    this is not working, the last updated language overwrites the other languages….I have read similar problems for other cases on the forum in the last weeks, but can not find them any more to see what kind of solution was proposed. Not sure it it would help in this situation?

    any tips?



    Hello Maurice,

    I would ask to submit a request to our Help Desk, so we take a closer look at the issue and provide a solution.


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