Page Styling – Text Under image displays incorrectly mobile

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Content Editor Page Styling – Text Under image displays incorrectly mobile

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  • #570672
    James Wulff

    I have two columns in each row. There are two images in the columns with a description underneath in a paragraph box and add to cart button underneath of them. The problem occurs when going to mobile. The pictures display on top of each other instead of

    description and add to cart button
    description of picture 2 and add to cart button

    Its more like this:
    Picture 1
    Picture 2
    Description for picture 1 and add to cart
    Description for picture 2 and add to cart

    How do I group everything in the columns so they display together. Here is what the web version, which works fine looks like:

    Picture1 Picture 2
    Desc/Add to cart Desc/Add to cart

    J. Davis

    Hi James,

    Most likely you formed/grouped the columns incorrectly. I recommend to watch this guide attentively to learn how to form independent columns

    Best regards,

    James Wulff

    Thank you for getting me to watch this again. I played it this morning to give it a try before you had sent. I paid attention to every detail this time and watched over and over. Everything is laying out the way I want it but had to do a couple of other adjustments. Some feedback: A little slower video would be nice with someone talking. I hate when people talk randomly forever in the instruction videos but a little explanation would go a long ways for those of us who know enough but yet not enough 🙂

    J. Davis

    Hi James,

    Thank you. We do our best to get better and we plan to capture new videos with explanations after plugin update. You can also contact us if you have additional questions.
    Thank you for your feedback. We really appreciate it.

    best regards,

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