Need for Streamlined Checkout for Single Properties

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  • #739821

    For single properties, the process of “Check availability” –> “Confirm Reservation” is one step too many and a bit confusing for several end users.

    A better more streamlined process is to simply skip the Confirm step and go directly to the Booking page if the property is available. Or for an even more elegant solution, simply add a switch in the plugin setting page and just let the user choose to skip or keep the Confirm step.

    I know I have seen other comments in the forum wishing for this enhancement and I am sure MotoPress would address this if a few more users join in and express interest.

    Please comment if you have/manage single properties. Thank you.



    Hi Stacy,

    for a single property i think there are way to much steps involved in a booking.

    for instance: if i use the [mphb_availability_search] on my frontpage, the customer have to select check-in and check-out date, but can’t see any reservation plan at all. The customer needs to enter his dates, hits search and gets a message that the house is already booked (no search results found).

    So i tried to use the [mphb_availability id=””] on my frontpage instead of the [mphb_availability_search]. In this view, the booking state is shown to the customer but not as nice as in the [mphb_availability_calendar id=”*”] In fact half booked days are just shown as available to select. Anyway, the customer “clicks Check availability” -> “confirm reservation ” -> “book now” -> “checkout”.

    What i expected was [mphb_availability id=””] with the look of [mphb_availability_calendar id=”*”] showing half booked days.
    Also the “check availability” step is useless in a single property, if the customer can select a date, he should be able to directly go to the booking page via “confirm reservation”.

    Also i miss the option to not book at all and dont provide any payment gateways, just as a reservation or extended contacts platform where the owner have to manualy confirm bookings while already send reservations are shown in a pending state as long as they are not confirmed.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Anton,

    Please, refer to the plugin documentation to configure the plugin according to your needs.

    To accept booking requests without payments, enable the confirmation mode By Admin Manually in Accommodation > Settings.

    To reduce the number of steps needed to book one property, enable the option Skip Search Results in Accommodation > Settings.

    The half booked dates in the check-in/out calendars are displayed as available as they should be. If you want to customize the look of the calendar you can do it by adding custom CSS to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS. The check-in and check-out dates have unique classes: .mphb-date-check-in and .mphb-date-check-out
    We could also customize the plugin for you with the extended support offer.


    I totally agree with Anton, the “Check availability” – > “Confirm reservation” steps are too much for single property. I really hope something is done about this and fast. It should be quire easy also.

    And John’s attempt at explaining the reasoning does not make any sense, if property is available upon checking availability you simply go to the booking form since you would know the property is available. Sorry John.

    I have been searching the forum all night for ways around this and came up with this post. I wonder if anyone is even going to see my post.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hello Nadine,

    Thank you for your feedback. We’ll keep this in mind.
    We’d also recommend to make sure you have enabled skip search results option to avoid search results page when you check availability of certain property.

    best regards,


    Is there any plan to allow us to bypass the ‘Confirm Reservation’ button in the near future?

    I just purchased this plugin only to find out this issue afterwards since we are using it for a single property as well. Since the calendar on the form automatically shows which days the location is booked, it seems strange to them tell them again through text and a button that the dates they have chosen are available. That information has already been communicated using the calendar.


    Hello Chris,

    Thank you for your question. We still collect feedback on the feature however it has not been planned yet. We’ll update the topic if we have any news. Thanks for each thought and suggestion.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hi everyone,

    As a workaround, you can add the following to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
    .single-mphb_room_type .mphb-reserve-room-section.mphb-hide {
    display: inherit !important;

    .single-mphb_room_type .mphb-reserve-btn-wrapper {
    display: none;

    It will display only the Confirm Reservation button.


    it doesn’t work 🙂


    Hi Joana,

    Please, submit a ticket describing the issue in more detail.


    Hi, I just got the plug-in and wanted to add that I would really like this option. It looks messy having the two buttons, and the extra step is a nuisance for guests.

    In my case, with a single listing on a private site, the instance of having two guests trying to book the same dates at the same time would be extremely rare and I would rather have to deal with that if it ever happens than have ever guest be annoyed by the clunky design of the Check Availability and Confirm Reservation buttons



    Thanks for you your reply. If you activate Skip Search results option you may try to hide Check Availability button and forcing to show the Confirm reservation button adding the style below as a workaround:

    .mphb-booking-form .mphb-reserve-btn-wrapper{
    .mphb-booking-form .mphb-reserve-room-section{
    display:block !important;

    J. Davis

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