Move sections on Checkout page?

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  • #740668
    Carl Gustaf Crafoord


    I’d like to move the price breakdown field (and delete some rows in it) so that it’s above the booking details field. I’ve tried with css only – but it only goes so far. And position:absolute; isn’t such a good solution.

    I looked around in the .php files but couldn’t find where to change the order of the sections.

    Ideally, I’d like the checkout page to look close to this:

    Thanks for your help!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Carl Gustaf Crafoord.
    J. Davis

    Hello Carl,

    You can replace the price Breakdown block by removint its action and then adding it back with other priority value. You can use the code below ay functions.php file of your theme (we recommend to use Child Theme to keep the changes after Parent theme update):

    add_action( 'wp_head', 'remove_renderPriceBreakdown' );
    function remove_renderPriceBreakdown(){
    remove_action( 'mphb_sc_checkout_form', array( '\MPHB\Views\Shortcodes\CheckoutView', 'renderPriceBreakdown' ), 30 );
    add_action( 'mphb_sc_checkout_form', array( '\MPHB\Views\Shortcodes\CheckoutView', 'renderPriceBreakdown' ), 10 );

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Carl Gustaf Crafoord


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