Metadata Display Options

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  • #943989
    Ryan Labelle

    Hello! I have a feature request.

    Under Admin > Bookings Calendar: Metadata Display Options, only the booking ID is displayed on the booking block, making it very difficult to see what is behind the booking, and Tooltip feature does not work on mobile. Would you be able to provide a Settings option for metadata display in the booking block for each booking? Could we also provide an option to show the traveler name instead of the booking ID, or show the booking ID plus name of the traveler?

    Thank you.

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Ryan!

    The tooltip option is useful indeed, however, there is no need in it on mobile devices since you may simply tap the booking ID to get all the necessary information about the booking – you may as well easily close booking details box by tapping the “cross” sign:
    Unfortunately, there is no option to include the Guest name instead/along with the booking ID. If there was, the calendar would be too overlapped with different information, which would not looked nice on mobile devices.


    Ryan Labelle

    Thanks for the follow up 🙂

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    You are always welcome 🙂


    Thomas Kolnowski

    Hello, Andre and MotoPress team. We would also love to see this feature request move forward, as our hotelier clients are frustrated with the limited information visible on the admin calendar. They keep telling us they need to be able to see at a glance what bookings they have to prepare for on any given day, and the booking ID is meaningless to them.

    So, they have to click into the booking to get any of the details. Furthermore, most are synching with 1 or 2 external OTAs, making the ability to see at least some additional metadata at a glance more critical. They are accustomed to working with these native OTA calendars such as Airbnb that provide such info (see Airbnb screen snap

    Since it is possible to easily increase the calendar column width (thank you for the CSS in, including the booking ID + traveler name could be quite possible. On mobile, the calendar column width can easily be 80px (vs. the standard 15px) and still be quite useable.

    Thank you again for considering this.

    Thomas Kolnowski
    Digitized House Media, LLC

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Thomas!

    Thank you for your up-vote, it is much appreciated. If there are more similar requests from other Users regarding this feature, we will definitely consider adding it to one of plugin future updates.
    Anybody, who also wants to see this feature available, let me know by commenting below.


    soledad Fernandez

    Sería fundamental esta información en el calendario ya que lo que muestra actualmente de un vistazo no sirve de mucho. Cuando la reserva proviene de Otas podrían estar de distinto color, ya ayudaría mucho.

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Soledad!

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been also added to the request.


    Chen Chiang CHAI

    Hi, may i know what’s the ETA on this? or is it already implemented? if so how to display it?

    J. Davis

    Hi Chen,

    Could you please clarify whether you mean the option to show the name of the guest instead of the booking id in the back-end calendar?

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Floris Stam

    Hi J. Davis,

    Yes, is this possible? (the name instead of the ID)
    It would be very nice!

    J. Davis

    Hi Floris,

    We have the request in our list of features so I’ve added your feedback there. We will update this topic when we have any news.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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