How to add lightbox image gallery

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  • #1072338
    Helen Harvey

    Hi there,

    I am using the Jetpack Carousel which is working great for my gallery created on my Gallery page, see here:

    However, the image gallery for the accommodation types are not working in the Carousel light box fashion, when the image is clicked it loads in its own tab with this url:

    There is no way to skip forward and view the other accommodation images. Plus, you have to click on back and reload the page to get back to the original accommodation page.

    I was wondering if this is an issue with the hotel booking plugin or Jetpack, however the Jetpack Carousel is working fine on my Gallery page as above.

    Perhaps there is another way to create a gallery for the accommodation type that does work in the carousel fashion?

    Thanks for your help,


    Andre Flores

    Hello Helen,

    This can be achieved simply by installing the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin – once it is done, your accommodation type gallery image will be opened in a lightbox carousel.


    Helen Harvey

    Thanks, Andre. Could you clarify, do I have to recreate the accommodation gallery within the editor for this to work?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Helen,

    There is no need to recreate the gallery in the editor, you may use the accommodation type default gallery and it will work perfectly with the activated Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin .


    Helen Harvey

    Hi Andre,

    Unfortunately this does not work with the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin but it did work with Simple lightbox plugin.

    Thanks though

    Giovanni Langiu

    Hello how u fix that? Im having the same issue! I can’t use the Gallery plugin with lightbox! πŸ™

    J. Davis

    Hi Giovanni,

    Could you please describe the details of the issue you have faced? What exactly theme do you use and where exactly do you want to enable lightbox on your site? Do you have any examples or page URLs?

    best regards,
    John Davis

    J. Davis

    I’ve just found the details here
    I will send a reply at that topic shortly

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