Info for the search result page

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  • #1091439

    SInce my theme isn’t styling the search results page the way I would like, am searching through the PHP pages to find the class for the text, “Select from available accommodations.”, so I can style them myself.

    A little direction in finding out which PHP file has this on it, would be very much appreciated.

    Also. Which PHP page or pages, would I find the classes for the text on the search results page so, I can manually style them as well.

    Definitely would save me a little time and get this project completed for my customer.




    Hello Fenton,

    The code is located in the room-content.php and results-info.php files under /wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/templates/shortcodes/search-results/ directory, you may copy both files to the /wp-content/themes/your-theme/hotel-booking/shortcodes/search-results/ directory and perform necessary changes to the code in them.



    Thanks for the info. Andre!!!


    Hello Fenton,

    You are most welcome 🙂
    If you have not had a chance yet, it would be very much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at:

    Thank you in advance!


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