Is there a way to bulk import rates?

  • This topic has 29 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1319827
    J. Davis

    Hi Sylvain,

    Thanks for your question. We have just recently enabled Rest API in the Hotel Booking plugin. Perhaps we will be able to find a proper third-party service to make an integration with to make it possible to import and export prices too. Thank you for your interest and upvotes.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Stacy Webb

    I do not understand how this has not been addressed or turned into a more simple process. Especially when you have clients that have 80 to 200 rentals asking for it, i would think that should move it up in priority. These are the types of clients that will benefit most from this and are clients that would most likely never let go of your service especially considering they are probably never going t5o get out of the business. If you do not cater to these types of client then eventually when someone does come up with a more manage-able way you could stand to lose them. I myself am close to having my own solution but i would think after reaeding these that this would have been addressed. Business must be so good that you do not have to worry about things like keepiung them happy. Have any of the developers actually tested using the system? Have them do a test for a client that has 10 houses and i bet you will see them solve this problem really quickly.

    Parede Flats

    Totally agree to be fair I bought the system tried to implement and got stuck on the rates. So I have never used the system. I am still with competitors system on Joomla. I did want to migrate to WordPress on this system I saw opportunity on icall updates was what attracted me.
    Managing up to 4 properties alread a pain to update multiple rates. I am not sure what other barriers I will encounter if the system gets updated… But yes still open to give another migration trial if this gets resolved

    Stacy Webb

    Here is a better question and very direct. What Column in mysql are the rates being saved in and associated with a date? I have looked over the data rows and very interesting the way you have set this up. It seems very odd but i am sure there is a method to mayhem. I see one column has over 17,000 rows in it and i am guessing its every x amount of rows where the rate is stuffed inside of a json file is this correct? I m going to figure it out but you could make this a little easier. I tried your api and to me it seems like you are missing a step in your instructions. In the excample you display how to do it with a code that is within the url for the test house but in a regular situation we dont have a code in the url to do this with and in your instructions there is no mention of generating a code of any sort. Did i miss a step?

    Parede Flats

    I for0ot about that one but you have to make a in same column … is complex and the only way was to use something concatenate with excel … as depending on number of guests the rate will change. so on same column I believe if iam still right you have to compose the rate and add the arguments if there is more than 1 guest rate for 2 guests .. 3 guests … and so on.

    Sylvain Deschamps

    I tried to contact them about this and they said “Hire a freelancer”… We had not used their plug-in for a year and paid for it, now, we are getting more accomodations (we were at 2, 3, now 4, the fift is under construction), we are currently looking for an alternative, it’s unmanageable and now, we needed to disable the children and we are not allowed to do this in my country but it’s the only way for now to have a booking system. If they don’t come up with something soon, it will be like many “bye bye Motopress”.

    Gundula Uray

    Same here the situation with having to enter hundrets of permutations for the ADULT and CHILDREN combinations makes this unworkable. I am using and paying the Booklium theme and the hotel booking plugin but am looking for an alternative. I have some options circled out already. Both Motopress plugins & the hotel booking plugin will be swapped this year for a channel manager with a calendar plugin for wordpress.

    Susan B

    I build a spreadsheet to do exactly this. I currently import several thousand rates per accommodation due to our very specific needs of complex booking formulas for various length stays. With this many rates, you cannot view the rates via the admin panel because it crashes trying to load them but I can successfully import thousands of rates for each accommodation and they work perfectly when generating bookings. I first import a seasons corresponding to each day for 7 years. Then I imports rates for each accommodation that correspond to each day (season). This allows many different types of rates based upon length of stay. My emails address is [email protected] if would like more information. I’m not looking to charge for the spreadsheet or anything like that. Just want to make sure it’s something that would work for your needs. Cheers!

    Anthony Scolaro

    What if we were to crowdfund for the development of this plugin/addon for the Hotel Booking plugin? I work with a team of developers who could build it but’ we would need funding to create it.

    Sylvain Deschamps

    We already had it developped for us. If you are not using Motopress Hotel Booking and even that, I don’t know why Motopress would allow a publicity on the forums, sorry.

    Anthony Scolaro
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anthony Scolaro

    Hi Sylvain,

    Would you mind connecting with me to share the codes so we can use the same functionality on our client’s website?

    Sylvain Deschamps

    It’s been developped for our specific needs with 20 rates and it can’t be customized, sorry. Also, pretty sure it’s copyrighted by the developper (it’s not us who developped it). Have to wait for Motopress to do it I guess

    Mary Testa

    Here is another upvote. A pricing API or Bulk edit or an import/export function is really required.

    It’s been more than THREE years now and upvoted many times, is there an update on this feature?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    J. Davis

    Thanks for your feedback. Our developers are working on integration with pricelab service. I hope it will be possible soon.

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