Is there a way to bulk import rates?

  • This topic has 29 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1075494
    [email protected]

    Is there a way to bulk import rates or manipulate the rates through an API or even PHP/Wordpress functions?

    Basically the situation is we have a separate channel manager system we use to manage bookings on Expedia and others. When we make pricing updates we’d like everything to match and not have to manually update Hotel Booking rates through the WordPress interface.

    It would also give me the ability to make my own dynamic rates, or even program last minute deals automatically if I’m able to change the rates in Hotel Booking.

    Thank you!

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    Unfortunately, there is no such option in the Hotel Booking plugin. We do have a similar feature request and I have added you up-vote to it. Currently we are collecting a feedback from our users regarding this matter and in case there are more requests, we might consider adding this feature in one of the plugin future updates.


    S. Siroco-Gemelos22
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Parede Flats

    Rate setup Motopress
    Bom dia Andre,

    to setup a rate to accommodate the different possibilities and seasons requires a long process. It is admin intensive and to maintain is the other side.
    I think Mogopress should re-think the way rates are added mainly for extra guests.

    I think the rate for extra guests as a one off fee per extra guest taking in consideration if you want to include children for this calculation or not.

    THis happens with other booking systems and it makes it much more easy to manage. See example below from one of you competitors:

    rate setup competitor

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    Thank you for your suggestion, it is much appreciated. We might take it into consideration for future plugin updates.


    Martin Fourdrignier

    Hi there,
    I found this topic as I was just about to open one on this point. You can count me as an upvote Andre, but I am surprised not to be able to edit this directly in the SQL database or in MPHB files. Where are the rates data stored?
    Because I don’t care if it is not user-friendly and if I have to go edit the SQL database directly, as long as I avoid filling 7 seasons for 80 properties… It’ll take ages.
    Many thanks

    Andre Flores

    Hello Martin,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted.
    The Rates appear to be a custom post type, so they are stored in the the wp_options table.
    Basically, the plugin was not built to have an ability to export/import rates.


    Parede Flats

    Hello Andre
    from @Martin’s suggestion, I wouldnt mind to edit from SQL as well.
    I have actually tried it! hOwever found it so complex to edit and mirror or adapt to other rooms

    I only have to fill 3 properties (80 properties is a no end job!! )

    Thank you

    Kris Kjerrumgaard

    Here is another upvote. Bulk edit or an import/export function is really needed.

    Thank you in advance!

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted as well.


    Anthony Riad

    I’d like to add to that.

    If there is no way to import or sync, then can we build formulas in the rate variations section?

    So for example:
    If a room is set for 2 adults and 2 children as the top rate, and the variations then are 1-0, 2-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-2. Having this amount of variation for every season for 15 room types for 200+ rooms can be a very tedious task, especially when you want to control your rates and do revenue management.

    So my suggestion is that if you can’t import or sync, then why not only fill the top rate (2-2) and put a value for a single room (75%) and a triple room (140%) and a child rate (50% of the adult rate) for example and have admins be able to modify those levers to avoid having to also type in each variation after having to calculate it in a massive excel sheet.

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    Thank you!

    A. Riad

    Andre Flores

    Hello Anthony,

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will definitely take it into consideration and I will make sure to pass this information for further investigation to our developers. They might use this information for future reference when decide to perform changes to the way rates are calculated.


    Gundula Uray

    UPVOTE please – as Anthony says this is NOT NMAINTANABLE while it is a standard feature on all booking sites (airbnb, etc)

    example and potential way to make it at least a slightly easier:

    Pleae into a “0 to X” amount of children. example:

    Current MOTOPRESS implementation: an apartment/chalet/hut that can take up to 10 guestst I have to enter EACH of these variations here an example for 5 Adults :


    This is just ONE singele variation!! I have to repeat the same with even more variations for Adults 1 and adults 2 and adults 3 and adults 4 and adults 6 and adults 7 and adults 8 and adults 10. I have 6 seasons in total with Winter peak/ winter non peak / summer peak / summer non peak / spring / autumn so you have to multiply that by 6!!

    Dear MOTOPRESS Team this is not maintanable!

    Please intro a field where I can enter

    ADULTS | Children

    This is a STANDARD feature on all booking sites like airbnb, etc etc…..

    Please consider this as a MUST HAVE have.


    Andre Flores

    Hello Gundula,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated.


    Sylvain Deschamps

    It’s been more than a year and upvoted many times, is there an update on this feature….?

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