How to get started with the Hotel Booking mobile application

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    1. Download the app for your preferred mobile operating system.
    2. Open the app on your phone / device. Now you need to get data from your website to your phone. For this, you can either manually enter your site login credentials or do it even faster and easier by scanning a QR code.

    To proceed with the second option, log into your WordPress site > go to Accommodations > Settings > Advanced > Add key > enter a description (any custom name), set permission to Read/Write > click “Generate API key”.

    This will generate a code that you can scan using the WordPress booking plugin with mobile app.

    We’re inviting and encouraging Flutter developers to participate in the development of the app on GitHub: If you have questions or suggestions, you can contact us.

    Don’t hesitate to ask a question, suggest a feature or even participate in the app development and improvements!


    Hi I try to set up in my phone the app, but ai don’t hav (Accommodations > Settings > Advanced > Add key > enter a description (any custom name), set permission to Read/Write > click “Generate API key”.)

    Can you you check that for me.




    don’t have Accommodations > Settings > Advanced

    Make sure your Hotel Booking plugin version is 4.1.0 and above.


    OMG! The app is spectacular!

    Only one option must be added now and it will be the perfect solution to manage everything for our phones!

    You must add the option to create seasons and rates in the same way as the AirBnB app does:

    1. On the calendar, click the first day of the period.
    2. On the calendar, click the last day of the period.
    3. Select the accommodation.
    4. Set up the price.
    5. Save and done!

    Can you please add this feature to the app ?


    Hi Nikos,

    Thank you for your feedback about the MotoPress Hotel Booking mobile app, it is much appreciated. We have not received similar requests from other users, however will definitely take your suggestion into account for future app updates. If there are more requests from other users, our development team might decide to implement such option in the app. We will let you know if there are any updates regarding this matter.

    Best regards,
    Andre Flores


    Booking has the same option. Their Booking Calendar is 100% beter and easier to manage then Airbnb.

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