How to change the fields people have to fill in

  • This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by J. Davis.
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  • #916025
    CA McDevitt

    I am in Canada, but when people go to check out they are asked to fill in their address, and it says State/County. It will let me type in NB (which is a Canadian province), but I’d like to change the text in the form to say Province/State (instead of State/County). How can I do that? Also, it says Postcode (which is what the people in the UK use), and I’d like to change it to Postal Code. Any help apprecited

    Alex M

    You can use Checkout Fields addon to add new or edit default checkout fields.


    This is overkill. We would like to remove the State/County field or at least make it not required because postal addresses in Germany do not have an extra State/County line.
    But an extra add-on for this is too much.

    Mary Evans


    Within the Hotel Booking plugin settings, it is only possible to enable/disable “Country of residence field to be required for reservation” and “Full address fields to be required for reservation”. You can find these options in the Accommodation tab > Settings.
    If you need just to make the “state” field in Checkout Fields not required, it can be done only with the Checkout Fields addon.

    It is also possible to make the State field unrequired by overriding the function of the checkout form but leave the State field. Instead, you may add value attribute to State input in order to place some preset information like hyphen or dot or any other symbol or word.

    Best regards,
    M. Evans


    I think it’s shocking to charge people $79 to just add in / change one field on the checkout, it’s over priced

    Andre Flores

    Hello Carlana,

    Kindly specify what changes exactly you would like to perform to checkout form, I will gladly provide you with an alternative solution if there is any.



    Hello, in germany we have the same problem, we don’t need the field “State” (Bundesland).
    If it possible to delete this field without a plugin?
    Many Thanks

    J. Davis

    Hi Joachim,
    Thanks for your feedback. You may change the translation of the label of any field using plugins like Loco Translate. Thus you may change it from State to Bundesland.


    Hello J.,
    I now that with Loco.
    So the problem is, that we don’t need the field “State” in Germany.


    Indeed. I guess it’s about half of the world where the address must have a state/county line, the other half does not have it. Even within the EU a few countries have a state line (or a region code which is not the post code) but most do not.

    J. Davis

    Thanks for your feedback.

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