How do I full screen video instead of Image

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Oceanica How do I full screen video instead of Image

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by J. Davis.
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  • #747065
    Rahmat Syaiman

    I know I can set image as featured image in order to have it as full screen image, but I want it video instead of image, please help.

    Thank you

    J. Davis

    Hello Rahmat,

    Thank you for your question. You can replace featured image with custom section or widget by overriding /oceanica/template-front-page.php file.
    For this we recommend to install and activate Child Theme -> copy /oceanica/template-front-page.php file and pate to your child theme folder to modify.

    It is possible to order such customization with Extended Support offer.

    Best regards,

    Rahmat Syaiman

    Hi J.

    Yes, I am using child theme, and guide the modification, I have copy-paste that template-front-page.php to child theme

    Thank you

    J. Davis

    Hello Rahmat,

    Thanks for your question. You should simply put your embedded videos or slider action instead of


    best regards,
    J. Davis

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