Hotel Booking crashed! Sites cannot be altered or created anymore

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    since a few days the “hotel booking” seems to have crashed. I am not able to create / alter any sites anymore.

    With the new built in recover-mode of WP i could reduce the problem to “Hotel Booking” with the following error:

    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 156 der Datei /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/includes/script-managers/public-script-manager.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on null in /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/includes/script-managers/public-script-manager.php:156 Stack trace: #0 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/includes/script-managers/public-script-manager.php(144): MPHB\ScriptManagers\PublicScriptManager->getLocalizeData() #1 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): MPHB\ScriptManagers\PublicScriptManager->localize(”) #2 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-includes/plugin.php(465): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-admin/edit-form-blocks.php(356): do_action(‘enqueue_block_e…’) #5 /data/web/e77060/html/wellcamp/wp-admin/post.php(178): include(‘/data/web/e7706…’) #6 {main} thrown

    Do you have any idea what has happened here, and how to fix it?



    The only thing that has happened since the crash was a WP-Update to 5.2.4. It was on 15th of Octobre.



    Do you have any updates on that issue?


    I have tried a downgrade to 5.2 but the error still persists…


    So by now, i try to list the things i did and which i know:

    – Motopress Hotel Plugin seems to be the issue, because deactivating the plugin let’s the problem disappear and i can create sites just fine (Elementor etc…)

    – I have a local installation started to be able to track the error down.

    Unforatunately i get the same error again, but can’t find out at which point. (WP_5.4.2) Is there any incompatiblity?

    The Problem I’m facing is, i had spent way too much time figuring out how this error can be reproduced and have to deliver to my customer in the next days…

    So i would be glad if there could be any reaction according to this topic.

    Thank you so much!



    When “seasons” are added (GERMAN) in the HotelBooking-Plugin i can reproduce the error just fine by trying to add a new Site in WordPress.

    If i put those added seasons to the waste-bin, the error vanishes and i can again use Elementor to view or create new sites!

    This can be reproduced at any time.

    This thread made me suspicious and led to the problems root:

    “(…) Potentially the localized months (like März or Februar) cant converted correctly by the DatePicker (*.js)? I dont have any expierience in Javascript-Debugging to go any further. (…)”

    But still, i don’t know how to resolve it.

    Thank you!


    Hi Gerhard,

    Sorry for a delay. Please, check your seasons and make sure the start and end dates are selected. It can correct your error. Also, make sure the start date is before the end date.
    In case it does not help, please, submit a ticket here to provide you with private technical support.

    best regards,
    M. Evans

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