Feature Wishlist

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  • #567840

    Hi John,

    I hope this is the right place to post this. After using this plugin a little more, I would like to add my wishlist for future features.

    1. As someone else mentioned, two prices for same menu item. In the case of wine by the glass/bottle or for salad half/full (specific to a site I am working on).

    2. Some sort of import feature like .csv file or tab delimited for importing a bunch of menu items. Even if it was just title, excerpt, price, and category.

    3. A way to sort or compartmentalize menu items by category in the menu item list. I am working on a site with over 100 menu items and it would be nice to be able to just look at the ones under a certain category.

    I’m really liking the plugin and would happily pay for this plugin with these features.



    Hi Zenzino,

    Thank you for your feedback.
    1. For this feature you can try using Toppings addon to provide a choice of size, volume, etc.
    2. Thank you, we’ll keep request about CSV import/export in mind.
    3. You can add shortcodes to output certain category link or menu items of certain category. Or you mean a dropdown filter at the top of the page with all your categories?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by J. Davis.
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