Exporting Booking and Payment Records

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  • #692224


    Is it an easy way or recommended third party plugin to export booking and payment information from the Hotel plugin to CSV file so that we could use these information for house-keeping and accounting purposes? The built-in export tool could only export data in table level with XML format which may not make sense to an ordinary Hotel plugin client. Thanks.



    Hi Lok,

    Thank you for your question. Unfortunately we did not have a chance to test plugin for exporting CSV reports. However you can try using WP All Export plugin for this purpose.
    We’ve also added your suggestion to our list of features in order to add an ability to export a report. We’ll notify here once we get any news on this.

    best regards,


    +1 for being bale to export the list of bookings


    Any update on being able to export all information about a booking (customer, room id, total price, amount paid, etc.) to a css file?


    Hi Lauren,

    The CSV export will be available in the update 3.5.0. Our developers are currently working on this feature. We will post in this thread when the update is released.





    We are glad to inform you that now it is possible to export all the booking info in the CSV format for reporting. Make sure to update the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin to its latest version (3.5.0) to use this and other new features.

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