Emmet PRO – Content Editor Pro Plugin?!

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Emmet Emmet PRO – Content Editor Pro Plugin?!

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  • #537161

    The page says I get access to the “MotoPress Content Editor Pro plugin (save $29)”

    Where do I download the PRO plugin????

    Mike H.


    Hi Mike,

    The plugin is integrated into the theme. There is used exclusive version of plugin that does not require activation. You will get automatic updates if theme license is activated.
    In order to install plugin you can go to Appearance>Install Plugins

    Best regards,


    THank you sir! I appreciate that. I didn’t realize where it was located. License has been installed for a while .

    Im on Version 2.2 is that the latest version?

    Mike Hammock


    Hi Mike,

    yes, it is the latest available version of Visual Builder for Emmet theme. Actually the latest version of plugin is 2.3.0 but it is the same as 2.2.0. There were applied changes in regards to license that is not required in plugin that is built into Emmet.

    Best regards,

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