Discussion: Skip search results if booking is made from room type page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Discussion: Skip search results if booking is made from room type page

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  • #655321

    Hi John,

    That is great, how can I update the plugin? I have bought the oceanica theme which includes the hotel booking plugin. Currently on version 2.4.1., however I bougt on march 1 so it should be at least version 2.4.2( which came out on Feb 28 2018)


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Berten Ooms.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Berten Ooms.

    when i go to my account and licenses. It says the license is active, but it says no upgrades available?
    However i see version 1.5.1 is available for download whereas I have version 1.5.0. So I guess i just have to download that one and replace the 1.5.O with this one through FTP?

    Or can I just install it through the wordpress interface themes-add new…without deleteing the older version?

    Thanks a lot

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Berten Ooms.

    Ok so just replacing the folder through FTP works.

    Solved 🙂


    Hi Berten,

    Thank you for updating theme on your own. We’d aslo recommend to copy license key from your account and paste to your Dashboard>Accommodation>Settings>License tab. Once it is activated you will get notifications about new versions available and perform automatic updates.

    Best regards,


    Hi john,

    I do not see that tab (license) where you say it should be.
    The only tabs available there are: general – admin emails – customer emails – email settings – payment gateways.

    Also and maybe related: I enabled papypal gateway but it doesn’t show up on the default gateway dropdown on the general settings tab of payment gateways.

    thx for your advice


    Hi Berten,

    – License tab is available in plugin settings if plugin was purchased separately. As far as I can see you purchased Oceanica theme so you should activate theme license to get update either for theme and for plugin. Yu can find it in your Dashboard>Appearance>License

    – As for your other question so it looks strange that enabled gateway is not available in selector. Could you email us with this?

    Best regards,

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