Disable Number of Guests in Search Form

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #1079660

    I have used the Hotel Booking plugin a couple of years ago, but cannot remember if it is possible to completely remove the number of guests selector from the search form.

    My accommodation sleeps 6, but due to Covid restrictions we want to enforce bookings for 6 guests only. Therefore the No of Guests selector is not required.

    Alternatively how do I set the selector to only show 6 guests?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hello Chris,

    Yes, it is possible to hide Guests field completely. Simply set the Guest Management option to “Disable “adults” and “children” options for my website.” and enable “Hide “adults” and “children” fields within search availability forms.” option under Accommodation ->Settings.



    Thank you! I need to re-familiarise myself with all the settings – I had completely forgotten this.


    Hi Whilst I can disable the numbers of guests in search form and use the guest option. it still appears as adults and children on the customer booking approved email. can this be removed


    Hello Andrew,

    This information is fetched from the Reserved Accommodation Details Template under Accommodation ->Settings ->Email Settings tab: https://prnt.sc/10pq4pc.
    Feel free to remove/edit it there.


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