Customer Address in the email

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  • #764541

    is possible to have full customer address in the email?


    Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for your question however there are no tags for advanced address fields yet. We will keep this in mind and update topic if we have any news. Thanks.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    I would also like to see this added, the reservation details can then be added to vacation rental management software without having to log back into the plugin to retrieve the address information.


    Hi Julian,

    We will notify you when it gets implemented.
    Meanwhile we could send you the code example of how more customer info can be added to the emails. The code is not update-proof. Submit a support ticket if you need the code example.


    yes please could you send me the code example?


    Hi Jesse,

    Please, submit a support ticket with the request.


    Hi, we are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. You can enable it again in the settings. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 versions:

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