Confirmation mode for Direct bank Transfer

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  • #1096507

    If Confirmation upon Payment is active, using Direct bank Transfer, status of reservation should be Pending for Payment (not Confirmed automatically) until Administrator gets some payment notification.

    Any advice on how I do that?


    Hello Ryan,

    So far there is no such option, as the booking is confirmed automatically while using Direct Bank Transfer or any other offline payment method. The plugin “does not know” whether money have been paid and as the booking is completed the status is changed to “Confirmed”.
    I have passed your request for further investigation to our developers. If there are more requests from other users, we might consider implementing such option in one of the plugin future updates.

    Anyone else who also needs this feature feel free to let us know by commenting this topic.



    Hi Andre, I hope that you are well. Any update on this one?


    Hello Ryan,

    Unfortunately, the feature has not been quite popular to the date, that is why it has not been selected for development yet. We are still collecting feedback from our users and will consider implementing changes to the plugin in case there are more similar requests.



    Thanks Andre!


    If Confirmation upon Payment is active, using Direct bank Transfer, status of reservation should be Pending for Payment (not Confirmed automatically) until Administrator gets some payment notification.

    YES! agree on this one. We are outside the United States where everyone wants to pay by cash or bank transfer. It is very confusing that the booking automatically moves to the “confirmed” status.

    Woocommerce process does the one exactly above. It is pending for direct bank transfers until manually flipped over. Hope can implement this on this one!


    Hello Cindy,

    Thank you for your detailed feedback, it is much appreciated. I have added your email address to the feature request contacts list to notify you once there are any updates regarding this matter.



    HI there,

    having a payment still on hold but the reservation already confirmed is not the best solution and I’m having trouble explaining this to the customer – which does not want it that way (nor is it reflecting the current process).

    It would be highly appreciated if the reservation stays unconfirmed until the payment is manually added. After that the rule “confirmation after payment” makes much more sense IMHO 😉

    We’ll try to circumvent this by using the WooCommerce plugin, hoping we’ll be achieving the desired behaviour…

    Best regards,


    I agree. Hotel booking has set up payments by bank order in a meaningless way. There is more such nonsense out there. Notifications are sent to everyone without conditions, it is not possible to filter by paid in the administration.


    Hi, thanks for your thoughts, they have been counted. We will notify you when we have any news on this.

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