Check-in-date in mphb_availability shortcode

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  • #891667

    I have an accommodation that’s only avaliable for booking in june 2020. I’m using the mphb_availability shortcode and when picking up the calendar in the check-in field the calendar starts with todays date. Is it possible to change this so the calendar shows june only? I saw you can add check_in_date to the mphb_availability_search shortcode but it doesn’t work mphb_availability…


    Hi Emelie,

    Thank you for your question. Unfortunately there is not an option nor parameter for shortcode to set specific date of check-in for availability form of certain accommodation type. This option is available for global search only.
    As a workaround you may place availability shortcode for 6 months of whole year so that your visitors could see when the season actually starts. You may use the following shortcode for this [mphb_availability_calendar id="777" monthstoshow="2,3"] (you need to replace 777 with ID of your accommodation type)

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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