"Check in Date" calendar limits bookings for future dates

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking "Check in Date" calendar limits bookings for future dates

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  • #812492

    In the booking widget, it only displays availability for the next two months.

    I click on the “Check In Date” dropdown.
    Today is the 5 June. It only gives me availability till the end of August.

    Here’s a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/nxqnn5

    I have no bookings for the accommodations at all as this is still running in a test environment.

    Am I missing a setting somewhere?



    It means that your properties are available only for the nearest two months. To make them available after that, make sure that you have pricing seasons for longer than the two months (Accommodation > Seasons). These season also need to be used within rates (Accommodation > Rates).


    Awesome. Thank you.

    Thought it was something simple.

    Thanks for the support!

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