Can I display accommodation types listing in a grid view?

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Can I display accommodation types listing in a grid view?

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  • #1019528

    I’m listing accommodation types using mphb_rooms. Can I display results as grid – if so, how? CSS class?


    Hi Ian,

    Thanks for your question. You may use the following style:

    .mphb_sc_rooms-wrapper {
        margin-top: 0 !important;
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
    .mphb_sc_rooms-wrapper .mphb-room-type {
        width: 33%;
        padding: 0 0.5em;
        margin-top: 0 !important;

    You may change the width value and add other style attributes to adjust it to your needs.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hi! This topic helped me a lot too but I would like to go one step further: is it any way of showing a specific number of random accommodations? I’m doing a booking center for a region and I would like to show -for example- 6 random accommodations of this area. Is it possible? How can it be done? Thanks in advance!


    Hello Lucia,

    You may add ids=”” parameter to the shortcode and list 6 random accommodation type ID’s there to have them displayed, e.g.:

    [mphb_rooms ids="12,25,34,47,53,68"]

    Where “12,25,34,47,53,68” are your accommodation type ID’s.



    Thanks for your answer, Andre.
    I already have thought of that chance, but this wouldn’t show RANDOM accommodations, but always the selected ones.
    The thing is I’m working on a site for several accommodations and I would need to show RANDOMLY a group of 6 between 45. Is there any way to do it?
    In that case you tell me, I would need to change the code manually everytime to show a different group of 6 when I visit the page.



    Hello Lucía,

    I am sorry for the misunderstanding. You may achieve this by adding posts_per_page and orderby parameters to the shortcode, e.g.:

    [mphb_rooms posts_per_page="6" orderby="rand"]

    You might also want to get rid of the pagination, in this case add the following code under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS:

    .navigation.mphb-pagination.pagination {
    	display: none;



    Thank you so much, Andre.
    It works great!


    Hello Lucia,

    You are most welcome! It would be very much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at:

    Thank you in advance!



    Good afternoon
    Can you please explain more how i can make it with short code
    Thanks a lot


    Hello Ahmed,

    You should simply add the code from the reply #1020791 to the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS. Then the list of accommodation types (added by shortcode) will be adjusted to the grid view.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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