Broken slider if child pages opened in Elementor

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Campterra Broken slider if child pages opened in Elementor

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  • #1008023
    Frederic MARY

    Why is it not possible to edit the child pages of the front page in Elementor? If so, they appear to be broken in the front page slider, displaying the full text content of the page (rather than the one before the <!–more–> tag). Thank you

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Frederic!

    By default The Home child pages are built via Gutenberg block editor. There is a default WordPress read more tag used, which makes the short description displayed in slides and not the whole page text. If you would like to edit those pages in Elementor, you should make sure to include shorter page content, so it fits the slider nicely and does not break it.


    Frederic MARY

    Thanks a lot for your answers. it really helped!

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Frederic!

    You are most welcome, I am glad I could help. It would be much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Campterra theme at:

    Thank you in advance.


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