Booking form – country optional and the address mandatory

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  • #923844
    Bruno Janvier Cohérence

    in the plugin settings, I activated address as mandatory and country as not mandatory. By the way, when activating the address as mandatory, then the country is also mandatory.

    Could you indicate how to get the country optional and the address mandatory ?


    Mary Evans

    Hello Coraline,

    Please, note that the “Address” field is required by default. We also could not recreate the issue locally: when we made the State / Country field (un)required, the Adress field was still required on the Checkout page.

    Please, note that it is possible to make the “country of residence” and “Full address” fields unrequired in the Accommodation tab > Settings > unclick “Country of residence field is required for reservation”.

    Best Regards,
    Mary Evans

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