Allow Multiple Bookings Per Appointment

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  • #1617563

    I’m sorry you could not find the desired functionality, however, we do not promote the ability to get group bookings with different customers on our blog, product page, documentation, demos, videos, etc.
    I’ve added your feedback to our list of features. Thanks


    You do advertise that your plugin works for yoga studios, these are
    public studios in which different groups of people attend the same
    class. Across the board, this is every studio. You have advertised
    that your platform is good for this, why after purchasing am I now
    unable to allow multiple people to book for my classes?


    Hi, Here is a description of the feature
    Here is a post that explains how the capacity works


    We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve released the Appointment Booking plugin update v.2.0.0 recently where we significantly improved group booking functionality to allow multiple independent people to book the same appointment slot as long as there are vacant places available Thank you all!


    This is great news. Thank you.


    Hi, I am not sure if this can be done, I have set booking plugin for a treatment service, for example, service 1 is nose $5 another services is ears $5, is it not possible to allow the user to select service 1 (ears) at 9am and allow them to add another service like nose on the same time and date. So 2 or more services in 1 appointment? And the total adds up to $10, etc.?

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