Accommodation: Choose dates in availability calendar instead of form

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  • #1042325


    I really think the accommodation pages would be a lot nicer and more intuitive if the customer could choose his desired travel dates directly in the availability calendar by clicking on two dates that would then be check-in date and check-out date.

    Like this the reservation form below would be obsolete, only the number of guests should be requested to enter to show correct prices in search results.

    But furthermore: I think the customer does not necessarily need to see the search results page when he has chosen an accommodation before, instead it could go to the booking form directly.

    It’s a little bit like: “What, wait, you want to book THIS accommodation? But we have some other accommodations too, why don’t you look at those again?”


    Hi Emanuel,

    Thanks for your questions. We have added your suggestion to our list of features and we will notify you if we have any news on this.

    As for your another concern about the search results so you may navigate to Accommodation > Settings and enable option ‘Skip Search Results’. Thus the visitor won’t be redirected to the search results page while checking availability of certain property.

    best regards,
    J. Davis



    I agree with Emanuel’s comment on this. I am doing user testing currently and the feedback I constantly get is that the testers are trying to use the availability checker to book the accommodation and when they can’t click on the dates they think it is either broken or fully booked.

    It would be great to combine the availability calendar with the booking form so that there is a very visual way to book.

    Thank you.


    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your up-vote, I have added it to the feature request. Anyone else, who also needs this feature feel free to let us know by commenting this thread.



    Yes please! This would be a much nicer user experience than the current one.


    Hello Jo,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted.





    Yes please, consider this feature for next updates.


    Hello there,

    Thank you for your up-votes, they have been counted.



    Add me to the up-vote. Thnx..


    It happens constantly, users click on the calendar instead of the form.

    Vote +++++++


    Hello there,

    I have added your up-votes to the request as well, thank you.



    Please, please add this feature asap. The feedback im having is that there is way too many steps in the booking process and having a displayed calendar that is not interactive is confusing.

    If we can have click on dates and go that would be fantastic.



    Hello Jim,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. I have added your up-vote to the feature request as well.



    Upvote please!

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