User capabilities to access parts of the backend

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking User capabilities to access parts of the backend

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    I would need woocommerce shop managers (i.e. users with capability manage_woocommerce) to have access to the main functions of the booking backend, but some require admin role, including viewing the booking calendar (!).

    Noticing that the admin pages for the plugin inherit from MPHB\Admin\MenuPages\AbstractMenuPage and that the default capability is ‘manage_options’ (line 28 in abstract-menu-page.php) I patched this to ‘manage_woocommerce’ as a TEMPORARY solution. As a stable solution I would need a hook or a setting option, but I couldn’t find this. Is there such a hook or do you plan to add one?


    Hi Christer,

    Yes, we have this feature in our to do list and we’ll keep your request in mind.
    At the moment you can create custom user role and restrict access to certain parts of dashboard by means of third party plugins. For example you may duplicate Administrator Role and name it in your way. After that I’d recommend to use Adminimize plugin to restrict access.

    best regards,

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