Use case for single accommodation

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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    I am trying to set up a site for a single accommodation. Each booking will book the whole accommodation. I have all rates and seasons set up. Check-in and check-out is Friday and Sunday – booking rules are working for bookings up to 21 days (the maximum stay).

    Is there a way for users to ONLY be able to select available check-in/check-out dates. They shouldn’t be available to select dates that have already been booked.

    I tried [mphb_availability_search] but it wants to search for dates, so those that aren’t available (where I’ve done a test booking) can still be selected. As there’s just a single possible booking for each date, this is an unnecessary step that may cause people to leave the site.



    Hello Andy,

    You should use the [mphb_availability id=”777″] shortcode instead, where “777” is the accommodation type ID. You might also want to check out this article with some advises on setting up a single property rental.



    Hi Andre,

    I tried that, but it seems to introduce an additional, unnecessary step. The calendar doesn’t allow people to select already booked dates – that’s great.

    But it introduces a meassage saying “the accommodation is available” with a “Reserve” button – but no prices! Clicking the Reserve button takes me to the booking page where I fill in my details, but the price is right at the bottom. We really need to show the pricing BEFORE people reserve the place so they know exactly what they are paying.

    You can see the current page here –



    Hello Andy,

    You should choose the “Show price for selected period” option for selection next to the Direct Booking Form section under Accommodation ->Settings tab – this will allow to have the price displayed along with the “the accommodation is available” message.


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