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  • #941059

    As advised, I used WPML to translate my site into French, English and Portuguese.
    Is there a more precise tutorial than this one:

    In fact, I would like to use the originals translations of booklium (mail models …) but I can’t find them.

    Could you help me?


    Hi, Luis!

    The tutorial you have mentioned is quiet detailed and explains how to translate different parts of Hotel Booking plugin. All the strings, including Email Templates text, can be translated under WPML ->String Translations.
    If you are facing issues with locating some certain plugin or theme strings, do not hesitate to submit your request to our support team at: https://motopress.zendesk.com/hc/en-us, one of our representatives will gladly assist you with it.



    Thanks anyway.
    My problem was with the Portuguese (from Portugal) translation.
    For WPML there is portuguese from portugal (pt-PT) and from brazil(pt-BR) πŸ™‚
    It seams that in motopress plugin there is only one portuguese, and it’s from brazil (pt-BR).
    I imported the pt-BR PO file in wpml and made some changes.
    It’s almost fine now.



    Hi, Luis!

    Thank you for your feedback, I am glad that you were able to resolve the issue.
    Do not hesitate to ask more questions of there are any.


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