Time & Date format for Germany

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #1086833

    Hi there,

    We use Ciestra with Hotel Booking Plugin – we face some spelling and format issues our customer complains about:

    In Germany, we write square meters like: 100 m²
    So there has to be an empty space between the number and the “m²”

    Date & Time format: we adjusted dd.mm.yyyy and HH:MM in the settings page.
    In the booking confirmation page and in the emails we have.
    Anreise: März 13, 2021, ab 5:00 pm
    Abreise: März 27, 2021, bis 8:00 am

    German people are not familar with that format. We need her like adjusted: 8:00 – 17:00 and for the day of mont: 27.03. or 27. März

    Where can we adjust that correct?

    Thanks, Frank


    Hello Francesco,

    You may add a space before m² in language files. Simply translate “m²” to ” m²” (with a space before the m), so the space is added on the front-end: https://prnt.sc/10iq2aw.
    As for the date and time format, it can be adjusted per your desire under Settings ->General tab of your dashboard: https://prnt.sc/10iq35m.


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