Suddenly No Payment Gateways Working

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  • #1124377
    Karen Robinson

    Hi! I really need some urgent help. Payments can’t be taken via my client’s website. Whichever method of payment is chosen, a little pre-loader wheel appears next to ‘Total Price:’ and clicking ‘Book Now’ does not do anything.

    The booking form appears fine – I tried scrolling to the bottom and clicking on ‘Book Now’, then of course it asks to ‘please choose number of adults’. Once this is selected, the pre-loader wheel then starts rolling and doesn’t stop.

    The problem started occurring after the calendars were linked and synced to PitchUp (I don’t know if this is related?)

    I really hope someone can help! TIA πŸ™‚

    Karen Robinson

    I have just tried rolling the website back to a version before the calendars were synced with, and the payment gateways were working fine. Going back to the current version with the synced calendars, and the payment gateways are not working.

    I really hope someone can help!

    Andre Flores

    Hello Karen,

    In the recent ticket you have raised you have mentioned that the issue was caused by some settings within your Pitchup account. Let me know if you still need further assistance with this matter.


    Karen Robinson

    Hi Andre!

    Thank you for your reply – it all seems fine now! It seems that Pitchup had flagged some clashing bookings and as such their calendars were failing to sync. This in turn seems to stop the booking form from working. Hope this might help others! πŸ™‚

    Andre Flores

    Hello Karen,

    Thank you for sharing your experience, it is indeed much appreciated!
    It would be great if you could share your positive feedback about MotoPress products at:

    Thank you in advance!


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