Set check-in, check-out time for a specific property.

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Villagio Set check-in, check-out time for a specific property.

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    Is there an option to set the check-in time. I cannot seem to locate it.

    I have looked in the documentation.

    This is the admin email, so there must be an option, somewhere.

    <p>Check-in: %check_in_date%, from %check_in_time%<br />Check-out: %check_out_date%, until %check_out_time%<br />%reserved_rooms_details%</p>

    Thank you very much.

    PS: Why has my account name been changed to my email address? Can this be removed please.



    It is possible to configure global check-in and check-out time for all the properties at Accommodation > Settings. This is rather an informative option. It does not affect the property availability.
    As for your username so you can edit it within your profile (top right-hand corner of the screen).

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Thank you very much – once again, the support with this plugin has been amazing. After a fair bit of configuration (which admittedly I should have looked at the documentation a bit more), I have my site working perfectly.

    5 stars!


    Hell there,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is indeed much appreciated. It would be very much appreciated if you also leave a positive feedback about Villagio theme and the Hotel Booking plugin at:

    Thank you in advance!



    I certainly will.

    I do have another query, if you would be so kind – I have checked the documentation, videos.

    My client wants to be able to set an extra charge for bank holidays / school holidays on her properties.

    For example – Good Friday Easter Weekend 2022 (which is the 15th April)

    There will be a flat rate of £499 PLUS an extra £100 for that bank holiday night.

    Good Friday (bank holiday) 15th April.
    = £499 (main season charge) + £100 (bank holiday charge)

    The problem is, I cannot seem to set this up using Seasons and rates

    I have setup my Main Season (which has dates set for 7 years, all days), then I have created a Bank Holiday Season, which has the date set for the 15th April.

    Then in the Rate section (for that property, accommodation type), in the Season Prices section, I have added the main Season & the Bank holiday season. I’m hoping that the client will be charge the main season £499 AND for the bank holiday season £100.

    However, when testing this out – it does not add the extra £100 for the bank holiday.

    Unless this is not possible with the software? Surely there must be a way of charging extra for a specific days or weeks of the year, not just for extra nights, services etc..

    Thank you very much for your assistance, again 🙂




    Thanks for your question and for the screenshots you provided. You need to go to edit your Rate and drag season price with Bank Holiday to the top over the main season. When it is placed above the Manin Season then its price should be applied. You will also need to set the final price for this season – 599 and not 100.
    You can see how the season price can be dragged starting from this time

    Let me know if it is helpful.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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