Remove sidebar from accomodation type

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  • #921863


    I would like to remove the side bar from the accommodation type page/posts
    or insert my own content (buttons or maps or text) into the side bar. I checked the widget area for a way to edit the sidebar but there isn’t a sidebar panel available with the theme.

    How do I remove the side bar completely or add my own content to it I would prefer to keep it if possible.



    Hi Maryam,

    There is no sidebar used on the single page of accommodation type. It is styled in the way that booking form is pinned as a column. In order to unpin the form you should install child theme and activate. Then add the linse below:

    remove_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', 'booklium_render_single_room_form_wrapper_open', 45 );
    remove_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', 'booklium_render_single_room_form_wrapper_close', 55 );

    Then you will need to add the style below to style.css file fo the child theme in order to adjust the width of the page on the desktop screen:

    @media (min-width: 1280px) {
      body.single .site-main > .type-mphb_room_type .entry-content {
        padding: 0 15% !important;

    In case you need our assistance with this customization you may get Extended Support service

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hola J. Davis, si contarto el soporte Extendido me resolveran todas las dudas de Booklium y de Hotel Booking?


    Hi, Maria!

    It depends on what exactly you need help with. If you would like to have the Hotel Booking configured for you per your requirements, perhaps, our new “Hotel Booking Plugin Initial Configuration” service will suit you more, than Extended Support. I would recommend that you describe your requests in our Help Desk in details to get further information about what service it is better to consider in your case.



    Hola Andre gracias por tu respuesta. Ayer pague el soporte extendido pero nadie me contesta y la verdad que necesito ayuda con el Hotel Booking y con la configuracion de Booklium. Hay cosas que quiero modificar de mi web y no me sale.
    Gracias puedes ayudarme?


    Hello, Maria!

    I have checked our Help Desk and can see one of our experts working on your requests in ticket #27416. If you need anything else, let me know.



    Buenos dias, Andre, si, gracias, parece que están en ello.
    Un saludo


    Hi, Maria!

    You are most welcome!


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