Receiving multiple emails for same reservation done in Hotel Booking

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    I just saw that i received 3 emails for the same booking / reservation from 1 person. Strange enough, the last send email with the highest reservation number is within the hotel booking plugin reservation system. The 2 other email are send out BUT not seen into the booking reservation system. I think this might be a bug into the system. All emails are send within the timespan of 1 minute from the system.

    I alreaady did the folowing tests:
    Disable all plugins –> No solution
    Changed from the ASTRA Theme (which is being used worldwide with no issues) to the default theme –> No success.

    My question:
    Can we enable logging on the hotel booking plugin to see if the plugin is indeed sending these emails?
    Why do I see ONLY the last send email into the reservation system on the website while there where 3 emails WITH reservation numbers send out.

    Same reservation mail senmd out with numbers: #3404, #3406 and #3408. Last and highest number is within the reservation system on teh webside (admin). the 2 others, which do bear the same signature, are not even seen in the system…. Where did they go?

    It does not happen always…..

    Hope you really can help meas this is very annoying for the customer.

    Hope to hear from you very soon.

    thnaks in advance
    Ronald Abts


    Hello Ronald,

    Was that a unique case or this has happened more than once? I would kindly ask that you submit a request to our Help Desk providing temporary access to your WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at the issue you are facing.


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