Rate per guest tax per adult

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  • #1710722
    Thierry Hennekes


    I would like to have a rate per guest and need to pay city tax per adult.
    How can I do this without creating 30 (max 6 adult and max 5 child) records per rate?

    Kind regards,

    J. Davis

    Hi Thierry,
    Thanks for your question. Since Hotel Booking 5.0.0 you can specify the Base Occupancy and set the price per extra adults and child while editing the Rate. Thus you do not need to add variable prices for each capacity combination anymore. You can learn more by reading this post https://motopress.com/blog/extra-guest-fee-hotel-booking/#Add_an_%E2%80%98extra_guest%E2%80%99_pricing_to_the_rate

    Thierry Hennekes

    Thank you for your answer. That looks like exactly what I am lookng for.
    I checked my site, but I don’t see an update for the plugin.
    I bought the Luviana theme that came with the booking Plugin.

    J. Davis

    Hi Thierry,
    Unfortunately, the Hotel Booking plugin has not been updated in the Luviana theme yet https://motopress.com/products/luviana/#release-notes The inbuilt plugin is not updated as often as the stand-alone one https://motopress.com/products/hotel-booking/

    Thierry Hennekes

    Hi John,

    Ah oke, I understand. Thank you!

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