Problem creating custom templates with DIVI and Hotel Booking

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    Hello, I need to create a custom template using the Divi’s Template Builder.

    Right now I have 2 problems:

    n. 1 -> When I use the Single Accomodation Tool in the Template Builder, it ask to me the Accomodation ID, BUT, as I’m creating a custom template for every single accomodation, I can’t insert a “single accomodation ID”, because when I click on a accomodation, I want to see the template of that single accomodation.

    Example: I go on than I click on a Villa that I like in the list. After I click, I want to see my Custom Template for that single Villa.

    For this reason I cannot put a single ID accomodation in the template builder, as I would see that Villa in every accomodation that I click.

    Problem n. 2 -> After I click on BOOK THIS FLAT, i’m not getting redirect to the checkout page.


    Hello Giovanni,

    I would kindly ask that you submit a request to our Help Desk providing temporary access to your WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at both issues.


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