Plural Forms – MultiLanguage Site

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  • #804237

    Hi I’m running my booking site in English and Polish.
    My silly language has multiple variations for plural forms of certain nouns:
    per night=> za dobę (n=1) “one”
    per nights => za doby (1<n<5) “few”
    per nights => za dób (n>4) “other”
    My .po files defines plural forms correctly , loco translate has three options to translate noun “one,few,other” all translated, but hotel booking search form displays only “one,few” variations.
    I appreciate your help.
    PS: Thank you for really amazing plugin, you guys rock!!!


    I found the issue:
    I was running both Loco Translate and WPML on my website.
    .mo localization files have been created properly along with polish plural forms, WPML was blocking plugin from using .mo and pointing towards its own string translation module.


    Hello Maciej,

    Thank you for resolving the issue in your own.

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