Plugin not working Hotel booking reviews

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  • #1004850


    The plugin is not showing and not calulating the added reviews. After adding a new review its showing the text but the stars keep showing 0 stars and 0 Reviews. Also after approving the comments on backend.

    I followed the construction in the Dokumentation step by step but with no sucsses.

    I am using
    Wordpress 5.5.1
    the booklium theme 1.1.0
    Hotel booking 3.8.3
    Hotel booking reviews 1.2.4

    And no additional plugins except
    Plugins from the Demo
    Loco translate
    Rank math.

    The Demo reviews from booklium are shown normaly but new ones are not getting calculated and are not working.

    Best regards


    Hello there!

    Thank you for reporting the issue, our developers are already working on it. Once there are any updates regarding this matter, I will immediately let you know.



    Hello there,

    I am delighted to let you know that the issue has been fixed and included in the latest plugin update (v. 1.2.5). make sure to update the plugin to the latest version to have the issue resolved.


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