PHP Depreciated warning with Hotel Booking pro plugin!!

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking PHP Depreciated warning with Hotel Booking pro plugin!!

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  • #1172700


    I know this issue is caused by the Hotel booking plugin pro, as I have done the following:

    + Deactivated my theme, & activated the Twenty Twenty-one theme.
    + Deactivated all the plugins on my site (including Hotel booking plugin), & the issue went away.

    + Activated just the Hotel Booking plugin, & the problem returned.

    The presentation of some of the settings for core WordPress blocks in the editor, are being messed up by this! Please sort this out asap!!

  • Depreciated: block_categories is depreciated since version 5.8.0! Use block_categories_all instead …
  • Depreciated: block_catgories is depreciated siince version 5.8.0! Use block_categories_all instead…
  • Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by …

Hello Matthew,

I would kindly ask that you submit a request to our Help Desk providing temporary access to your WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at the issue. Also, provide some exact steps ti replicate the issue, as I was unable to do that locally.



Hi Andre,

It’s not the hotel booking plugin causing this issue. A PHP debug setting in WP-config.php is. Thanks for the reply.

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