Payment Options Sort Order

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  • #946246
    Ryan Labelle

    Is there any way to sort the payment options on checkout?

    EG: Have PayPal come before or after an Stripe option?

    Image 2020-04-24 at 1.57.46 PM

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Ryan!

    Unfortunately, there is no such option by default, however, you may set the “Default Gateway” option under Accommodation ->Settings ->Payment Gateways to have the desired payment method marked by default while checking out:


    Nicole Paton

    Can I please an an upvote to have the ability to reorder payment gateways?

    I tried to reorder the list myself with jQuery but then the stripe credit card fields were in the wrong location (not below the stripe option).

    J. Davis

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for your question. As a workaround, you may try to use CSS to change the order of the payment gateways. e.g.:

    ul.mphb-gateways-list {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    order: 1;
    order: 2 ;
    order: 3;

    best regards,
    John Davis

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