Page builder options – Gutenberg vs Elementor

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Campterra Page builder options – Gutenberg vs Elementor

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  • #1079790
    C Green

    Hi there

    I’m potentially looking at purchasing the Campterra theme for a new wesbite I’m working on. I can see references in the forum to both Elementor and Gutenberg. Is the theme closely coupled to Elementor? I’m not a huge fan of Elementor / Divi etc as more often than not they add a lot of bloat to sites, I find.

    Is it possible to use Campterra (or features of it) just with the Gutenberg editor? I’m obviously particularly interested in any customisation of the hotel booking plugin specifically for campsites, and the interactive campsite map – but could both of those be done in one of your Gutenberg themes with the relvant config / getwid blocks?

    Or do you have any plans to re-engineer Campterra for Gutenberg?

    Thanks for any suggesstions

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    The Campterra theme is mostly built via Elementor, so you will need it in order to keep pages layout in tact.
    Basically, you may use any of our hotel themes,as the functionality is the same in all of them due to the Hotel Booking plugin. Such themes as Booklium and Luviana are built via Gutenberg. There are also other themes that do not use Elementor, e.g. Villagio and Mountainview.

    At the moment we are not planning to rebuild the Campterra theme using Gutenberg.


    C Green

    Thanks for the response Andre.

    From looking at it, that’s what I thought, just wanted to be sure. I have experience of Booklium, so I’ll have a look through your Gutenberg themes and discuss options with my client. Between the HB plugin and the Image hotspot block I should be able to recreate the critical functionality for him.

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