Orders handled through PayPal stay pending and do not release

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Restaurant Menu Orders handled through PayPal stay pending and do not release

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    We’re having a little hickup with the PayPal option for purchasing.

    When we pay through PayPal, and then return to the Merchant (our site), we get an order Success.
    However, when we go into orders, the order in question has the status of Pending.

    We can manually release it, and everyone gets their receipt and the order goes through. However, we need this to happen automatically.

    Is there a setting we need to set to make this happen? .

    Thanks, mark


    Hi Mark,

    Most likely PayPal requires SSL connection to complete orders automatically. Please refer to PayPal docs and enable https connection for your website.

    Let me know if it’s helpful.

    Best regards,

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