No Admin Email with Manually Created Bookings

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  • #994005

    The system sends the administrator a copy of the confirmed booking “upon payment” and when they use a payment gateway (like Stripe) that works perfectly.

    However – when I create the booking myself on the Booking page within the plugin – the customer gets a receipt, but the admin gets nothing.

    I’ve tested different emails and manually creating a payment, cycling back and fourth between the different confirmation statuses but nothing sends an admin copy of the receipt.

    Since the plugin can’t print a copy of the receipt anywhere, at least with these – we have some formal record to print.

    What else can I do to trigger an email confirmation upon manual booking?


    I should also mention I’ve read the post on “no email received” a number of times.

    This may be a bug or intentional on the coding side, not sure?


    Hello Danial,

    Please note, when a booking is added by admin via the website back-end (in the Bookings tab > All Bookings > Add New), the admin does not get any email.
    An email is sent to admin when a booking is created via front-end only.
    You can view all the possible email templates that can be sent to admin within different confirmation modes, under your dashboard > Accommodation > Settings > Admin Emails.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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